Blair (She/They), Marketing & Client Relations Manager, GIA AJP
Hello, I am Blair! You’ll always be able to recognize me with my blue hair. Born and raised in New Mexico, I can’t imagine being anywhere else. My first professional experience with piercings was at Evolution 17 years ago. I begged my mother to get my navel pierced, and, thinking it would satiate my desire to be different, she caved. Little did she know I would fall in love with body modification.
As a Gemini, I thrive on interacting with people. Therefore, my job as Client Relations Manager is making sure everyone has a unique and wonderful experience. I fulfill my creative side by handling our social media and marketing, an opportunity I never would never have had without Evolution. Being able to not only express myself physically, but mentally has been nothing short of rewarding. This has become such a big part of my life, and I am forever grateful for the people I meet, my team, and the ability to be authentically me. When not at work, I am spending time with my children, friends or getting deeply invested in true crime/paranormal podcasts.