At Evolution Body Piercing, our number one priority is for you to get a great piercing/jewelry that you love, performed properly by a trained professional while in a safe and clean environment. Since 1999, we have worked hard to empower our wonderful clientele with knowledge that will help them have the best possible visit while in our studio. Below, you will find information for your safety, health and overall comfort that we hope will be helpful for you and prepare you for your next trip to Evolution Body Piercing!
Anyone getting pierced or having jewelry inserted into a piercing must provide proof of age and identification.
Please read our Age/ID Requirements page for more information>>>
Coming in within 4 hours of your last meal will greatly decrease the chance you could become lightheaded or nauseated at any point before, during, or after the procedure.
While in the studio, please do not touch/handle/remove your jewelry for any reason. We understand that a lot of people don’t mean to or may not even realize they are doing so, but by touching your jewelry while in the studio, any germs that may be on you will spread to any surface or object you come into contact with, just like how bacteria from other individuals who were touching their jewelry while in our studio before you could potentially come into contact with you. While our staff takes exhaustive measures to maintain a clean, sanitary environment, by not touching your jewelry, you are helping us eliminate the potential for cross-contamination and the spread of germs. If you need any assistance removing your jewelry, one of our licensed piercers will be happy to assist you.
We also ask that when visiting Evolution Body Piercing, that you do not touch any of the jewelry or displays. Our team of professionals will be more than happy to assist you with getting a closer look at any of our jewelry options and will be ready to help you determine if a specific piece will be the best fit for you.
When coming in with jewelry you have previously worn, please bring it in some sort of clean container or baggie. It is vital that we do not have previously-worn jewelry come into contact with any surface, case or person in our studio for the same reasons outlined in point one. If you do not have a container, please notify one of our staff so they can properly assist you with getting your jewelry into a safe container while providing you some hand sanitizer.
We ask that adults visiting the studio with children make sure they are supervised at all times both while at the counter and back in the procedure room.
Body art is one of the industries where tipping is by no means required, but is generally encouraged. There is no “industry standard” as far as what percentage you tip, but comes down to what you feel like the service is worth. Remember, how well your visit to our studio goes is heavily based on how our staff treated you and how well your piercing was performed. While our piercers never expect tips, they always feel deeply grateful whenever anyone wants to!
We just ask that anyone who wants to be pierced or put jewelry in a healed piercing utilize good hygiene as a courtesy to our staff.
We have a legal and ethical obligation to only pierce those who can consent to the procedure while sober. Alcohol and drug usage prior to a piercing procedure can also have many varying effects on the piercing and the subsequent aftercare. If a member of our team suspects you of being under the influence, they will ask you to return once you are in a better state to be pierced.
If you begin to feel faint/nauseous or just “off” before, during, or after a piercing procedure, please let your piercer know immediately. Our entire team is trained in First Aid/CPR and Bloodborne Pathogens and will be happy to assist our clientele in these situations.
When you come in, please feel free to ask our staff questions! At Evolution, we believe it is one of our duties to impart information to anyone who walks through the door so that they can be empowered with knowledge. We want to get you a piercing that you love and feel confident about going into, so we welcome any questions you have regarding how and why or why we don’t do piercings a certain way, what our jewelry is made of, Etc. We take great pride in our clientele both new and old, and love sharing things we have learned through years of studying, training and first-hand experience.
Staff Code of Conduct
As members of the Association of Professional Piercers, we uphold the APP’s standards and requirements for membership. We believe that every person being pierced has the right to a safe and ethical procedure. Know Your Rights.
Client Code of Conduct
At Evolution, we are dedicated to providing the best possible piercing experience. While in the studio, we ask clients and guests to be mindful of the environment, and not be disruptive to others. We will not tolerate the use of abusive, hateful, offensive or lewd language.