
Regular hours on Central Ave:

Monday: 11am- 8pm
Tuesday: Closed - visit us on Carlisle!
Wednesday: 11am- 8pm
Thursday: 11am- 8pm
Friday: 11am- 8pm
Saturday: 11am- 8pm
Sunday: 12pm- 7pm

Regular hours on Carlisle Blvd:

Monday: Closed - visit us on Central!
Tuesday: 11am- 8pm
Wednesday: 11am- 8pm
Thursday: 11am- 8pm
Friday: 11am- 8pm
Saturday: 11am- 8pm
Sunday: 12pm- 7pm

Appointments are encouraged at both locations, and same day appointments are often available. Those coming by without an appointment may enter on arrival to join our waitlist. We bring in limited clients as time permits between appointments. Wait times can vary, and we suggest arriving no less than 2 hours before close.


Please review our age and ID requirements and studio policies so you’re sure to have everything you need to ensure the best experience!

Regular Hours for Our Piercers

  • 4517 Central NE: Thursday, Friday and Saturday 11am- 8pm

  • 2925 Carlisle NE: Wednesday-Friday 11am-5pm

  • 4517 Central NE: Monday, and Wednesday 11am- 8pm

    2925 Carlisle NE: Sunday 12pm- 7pm Tuesday: 11am- 8pm

  • 4517 Central NE: Sunday 12pm-7pm

    Monday, Friday and Saturday: 11am-8pm

  • 4517 Central NE: Wednesday 11am- 8pm

    2925 Carlisle NE: Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 11am- 8pm

  • 2925 Carlisle NE: Sunday 12pm- 7pm

    Wednesday, Friday and Saturday 11am- 8pm